Zoom Talk about White-tailed Deer

White Tailed Deer Flyer (5) 1-page-001 (2)On Monday, July 22 ar 7 p.m., Lee Memorial Library is sponsoring a free Zoom talk about White-tailed Deer -- incredible animals with wide-ranging impacts on our communities.

This talk by Marc Gussen, the naturalist for the Closter Nature Center,  is a good overview.

You can scan the QR code to register (worked for me).

The Allendale Garden Club and the Fyke Nature Association are co-sponsoring.

Monday Mystery Answered

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On Monday I wrote:

Just put my old license plate on my new car, and was told that NJ doesn’t make them quite like this anymore.

What all do you see on the plate? Who was the artist?

For anyone who loves the Meadowlands, it’s the greatest license plate in the world.

Mimimi Sabatino and Ellen Rahl answered correctly: the late John Quinn, the terrific artist and author who wrote and illustrated Fields of Sun and Grass, about the Meadowlands.

Ginny Getto wondered if that’s the eastern spur of the NJ Turnpike (yes) and the Twin Towers. (Wow. Not sure.)  There was (is?) also a huge incinerator smokestack there from the days it was a Hudson County jail., almshouse, etc…. It was once called Snake Hill. The rock formation was once much larger, but quarried for stone for a developing region...

The license plate shows, among other things, an egret, a Diamondback Terrapin, the N.J. Turnpike Eastern Spur bridge, and Laurel Hill County Park (where Peregrines snd Common Ravens have nested on the rock formation).

Quite a lot for once license plate. Thank you, John Quinn!

Here’s the largely uncredited obituary for John Quinn that Jay Levin wrote for The Record.




Monday Morning Mystery

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Just put my old license plare on my new car, and was told that NJ doesn’t make them quite like this anymore.

What all do you see on the plate? Who was the artist?

For anyoine who loves the Meadowlands, it’s the greatest license plate in the world